Making nuclear energy cost-competitive
We have received support from the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE)’s Advanced Research Projects Agency-Energy (ARPA-E) established the Generating Electricity Managed by Intelligent Nuclear Assets (GEMINA) program, aiming to reduce O&M costs for the next generation…
Our work accepted by Phys Rev Lett in its present form. Congratulations!
Our recent work “Topological Singularity Induced Chiral Kohn Anomaly in a Weyl Semimetal“, by Thanh, Fei, Nina, Ricardo, Anuj et al, is accepted by Phys Rev Lett in its present form. In this work, we theoretically…
Welcome Anuj to our group!
Anuj joins us as an undergraduate researcher. Warmly welcomed!
Welcome Thanh joins our group!
Starting Aug, 2018, NSE graduate student Thanh Nguyen joins us. Warmly welcomed Thanh!
Physicists doubt bold superconductivity claim following social-media storm
How excitement over claims of a high-temperature superconductor reached fever-pitch — and then died away.
Congratulations to Thanh for winning School of Engineering SMA Fellowship!
Thanh has won the prestigious School of Engineering SMA Fellowship – Big congratulations!!!
Congratulations to Nina for being accepted by National School on Scattering!
Nina has been accepted as a participant to the highly selective 20th National School on Neutron and X-ray Scattering in 2018 summer, jointly organized by Argonne National Lab and Oak Ridge National Lab and supported…
MIT News: Deriving a theory of defects
An interview with Mingda related to our dislon theory.
Congratulations to Nina for winning the NSF Fellowship!
Our group member, Nina, has won the prestigious National Science Foundation (NSF) Graduate Research Fellowship. Congratulations Nina!