Preprints | 2025 | 2024 | 2023 | 2022 | 2021 | 2020 | 2019 | 2018 | 2017 | 2016 | 2015 | 2014 | Before 2014 | Books
108. M Cheng*†, C Fu†, R Okabe†, A Chotrattanapituk†, A Boonkird, NT Hung and M Li*, “AI-driven materials design: a mini-review,” arXiv:2502.02905, submitted.
107. M Landry*, C Fu, J Zhang, J Li, G Chen* and M Li*, “Theory of the Photomolecular Effect,” arXiv:2501.08373, submitted.
106. P Siriviboon*†, C Fu†, M Landry†, R Okabe, D Cordova Carrizales, Y Wang and M Li*, “Quantum Theory of X-ray Photon Correlation Spectroscopy,” arXiv:2412.03635, submitted.
105. R Okabe*†, Z West†, A Chotrattanapituk, M Cheng, D Cordova Carrizales, W Xie, RJ Cava and M Li*, “Large Language Model-Guided Prediction Toward Quantum Materials Synthesis,” arXiv:2410.20976, submitted.
104. R Okabe*, M Cheng, A Chotrattanapituk, NT Hung, X Fu, B Han, Y Wang, W Xie, RJ Cava, TS Jaakkola, Y Cheng*, M Li*, “Structural Constraint Integration in Generative Model for Discovery of Quantum Material Candidates,” arXiv:2407.04557, submitted.
103. C Fu†, P Siriviboon†, A Boonkird†, M Landry, C Li, W Xie and M Li*, “Anomalous Neutron Nuclear-Magnetic Interference Spectroscopy”, arXiv:2403.13990, submitted.
102. NC Drucker*, T Nguyen, M Mandal, P Siriviboon, Y Quan, A Boonkird, R Okabe, F Li, K Burrage, F Funuma, M Matsuda, D Abernathy, T Williams, S Chi, F Ye, C Nelson, B Liao, P Volkov*, and M Li*, “Incipient nematicity from electron flat bands in a kagome metal”, arXiv:2401.17141, submitted.
101. A Boonkird, NC Drucker, M Mandal, T Nguyen, J Yeo, V Belosevich, E Spero, C Ortiz, Q Ma, L Fu, T Palacios, M Li, “Sustainability-Driven Exploration of Topological Materials,” arXiv:2308.09526 (2023).
100. N Andrejevic†, F Han†, T Nguyen, AA Puretzky, Q Meng, YF Zhao, W Zhao, L Wu, D Geohegan, CZ Chang, Y Zhu*, S Huang*, M Li*, “Spectroscopic Signatures of Nonlocal Interfacial Coupling in Superconducting FeSe/SrTiO3 Heterostructures,” arXiv:1908.05648, submitted. (†Equal contribution).
099. R Pablo-Pedro*†, N Andrejevic†, Y Tsurimaki, Z Ding, TH Liu, GD Mahan, S Huang and M Li*, “Phonon Quantum Phase Transition,” arXiv:1809.06495, submitted. (†Equal contribution).
098. M Xu, G Jose, M Cheng, C Peng, JL Gonzalez-Jimenez, W Bi, M Li and W Xie*, “Continuous Evolution of Eu2+/Eu3+ Mixed Valency Driven by Pressure and Temperature,” J. Phys. Chem. A, DOI:10.1021/acs.jpca.4c08660 (2025).
097. B Han†, R Okabe†, A Chotrattanapituk†, M Cheng†, M Li* and Y Cheng*, “AI-Powered Exploration of Molecular Vibrations, Phonons and Spectroscopy.” DOI:10.1039/D4DD00353E Digital Discovery (2025).
096. M Xu, JL Gonzalez Jimenez, G Jose, A Boonkird, C Xing, C Harrod, X Li, H Zhou, X Ke, W Bi, M Li and W Xie*, “Spin-Flop and Matamagnetic Transition in Monoclinic Eu4Bi6Se13,” Chemistry of Materials, DOI:10.1021/acs.chemmater.4c03185 (2025).
095. K Zhang†, C Fu†, S Kelly, L Liang, SH Kang, J Jiang, R Zhang, Y Wang, G Wan, P Siriviboon, M Yoon, P Ye, W Wu, M Li*, S Huang*, “Thickness-Dependent Polaron Crossover in Tellurene,” Science Advances 11, eads4763 (2025).
094. Y Zhou, R Ciarla, A Boonkird, S Raza, T Nguyen, J Zhou, N Osti, E Mamontov, Z Jiang, X Zuo, J Ranasinghe, W Hu, B Scott, J Chen, D Hensley, S Huang, J Liu, M Li, and Y Xu*, “Defects Vibrations Engineering for Enhancing Interfacial Thermal Transport,” Science Advances 11, eadp6516 (2025).
093. NT Hung*, R Okabe, A Chotrattanapituk and M Li*, “Universal Ensemble-Embedding Graph Neural Network for Direct Prediction of Optical Spectra from Crystal Structures,” Advanced Materials 36, 2409175 (2024).
092. M Boswell, Y Yang, M Mandal, M Li, , W Xie*, “Non-stoichimometric square sheets in RSe2−x (x ∼ 1/6) (R = Gd and Tb),” Journal of Applied Physics 136, 185701 (2024).
091. M Xu,Y Lee, X Ke, MC Kang, M Boswell, S Bud’ko, L Zhou, L Ke, M Li, PC Canfield*, W Xie*, “Giant Uniaxial Magnetocrystalline Anisotropy in SmCrGe3,” Journal of the American Chemical Society 146, 30294 (2024).
090. CT Chou, S Ghosh, BC McGoldrick, T Nguyen, G Gurung, EY Tsymbal, M Li, KA Mkhoyan, and L Liu*, “Large Spin Polarization from Symmetry-Breaking Antiferromagnets in Antiferromagnetic Tunnel Junctions,” Nature Communications 15, 7840 (2024).
089. M Mandal*, A Chotrattanapituk, K Woller, LJ Wu, H Xu, NT Hung, N Mao, R Okabe, A Boonkird, T Nguyen, NC Drucker, XM Chen, T Momiki, J Li, J Kong, Y Zhu*, and M Li*, “Precise Fermi-level engineering in a topological Weyl semimetal via fast ion implantation,” Applied Physics Review 11, 021429 (2024). (Journal Featured article)
088. R Okabe†, A Chotrattanapituk†, A Boonkird, N Andrejevic, X Fu, TS Jaakkola, Q Song, T Nguyen, NC Drucker, S Mu, B Liao, Y Cheng, and M Li*, “Virtual Node Graph Neural Network for Full Phonon Prediction,” Nature Computational Science 4, 522 (2024).
087. R Okabe, A Chotrattanapitu, and M Li, “Boosting graph neural networks with virtual nodes to predict phonon properties,” Nature Computational Science 4, 481 (2024). (Journal Research Briefing)
086. M Cheng*, R Okabe, A Chotrattanapituk and M Li*, “Machine Learning Detection of Majorana Zero Modes from Zero Bias Peak Measurements, Matter 7, 2507 (2024). (Featured in journal 5th-Year Anniversary Issue)
085. B Han, A Savici, M Li and Y Cheng*, “INSPIRED: Inelastic Neutron Scattering Prediction for Instantaneous Results and Experimental Design,” Computer Physics Communications 304, 109288 (2024).
084. M Boswell, Q Zhang, X Ke, M Li and W Xie*, “Triangular Lattice of Ho3+ with Seff = 1/2 in Antiferromagnetic KHoSe2,” ACS Appl. Electron. Mater. 6, 3827 (2024).
083. NT Hung, T Nguyen, VV Thanh, S Wang, R Saito and M Li, “Symmetry breaking in 2D materials for optimizing second-harmonic generation,” J. Phys D: Appl. Phys. 57, 333002 (2024).
082. R Okabe†, S Xue†, J Vavrek†, J Yu, R Pavlovsky, V Negut, B Quiter, J Cates, T Liu, B Forget, S Jegelka, G Kohse, L-W Hu* and M Li*, “Tetris-inspired detector with neural network for radiation mapping,” Nature Communications 15, 3061 (2024).
081. SN Kajale, T Nguyen, NT Hung, M Li, Deblina Sarkar*, “Field-free deterministic and non-volatile switching of all-van der Waals spin-orbit torque system above room temperature,” Science Advances 10, eadk8669 (2024).
080. SN Kajale†, T Nguyen†, CA Chao, DC Bono, A Boonkird, M Li, Deblina Sarkar*, “Current-induced deterministic switching of van der Waals ferromagnet at room temperature,” Nature Communications 15, 1485 (2024).
079. R Okabe, M Li, Y Iwasaki, N Regnault, C Felser, M Shirai, A Kovacs, T Schrefl, and A Hirohata*, “Materials Informatics for the Development and Discovery of Future Magnetic Materials“, IEEE Magentic Letters, DOI:10.1109/LMAG.2023.3320888 (2023).
078. JP Wakefield, M Kang, PM Neves, D Oh, S Fang, R McTigue, SYF Zhao, TN Lamichhane, A Chen, S Lee, S Park, JH Park, C Jozwiak, A Bostwick, E Rotenberg, A Rajapitamahuni, E Vescovo, JL McChesney, D Graf, JC Palmstrom, T Suzuki, M Li, R Comin*, and JG Checkelsky*, “Three Dimensional Flat Bands in Pyrochlore Metal CaNi2”, Nature 623, 301 (2023).
077. NC Drucker†, T Nguyen†, F Han†, P Siriviboon†, X Luo†, N Andrejevic, Z Zhu, G Bednik, QT Nguyen, Z Chen, LK Nguyen, T Liu, TJ Williams, MB Stone, AI Kolesnikov, S Chi, J Fernandez-Baca, C Nelson, A Alatas, T Hogan, AA Puretzky, S Huang, Y Yue* and M Li*, “Topology stabilized fluctuations in a magnetic nodal semimetal“, Nature Communications 14, 5182 (2023).
076. M Mandal†, NC Drucker†, P Siriviboon†, T Nguyen, A Boonkird, TN Lamichhane, R Okabe, A Chotrattanapituk and M Li*, “Topological superconductors from a materials perspective”, Chem. Mater. 35, 6184 (2023). (Invited Perspective Article)
075. A Chotrattanapituk, M Mandal, and M Li*, “Bridging the gap to THz optoelectronics with nonlinear Hall devices“, Matter 6, 2514 (2023). (Invited Preview Article)
074. J Hales, U Bajpai, T Liu, DR Baykusheva, M Li, M Mitrano* and Y Wang*, “Witnessing Light-Driven Entanglement using Time-Resolved Resonant Inelastic X-Ray Scattering”, Nature Communications 14, 3512 (2023).
073. Y Yang*, W Zhou, S Yin, SY Wang, Q Yu, MJ Olszta, YQ Zhang, SE Zeltmann, M Li, M Jin, DK Schreiber, J Ciston, MC Scott, JR Scully, RO Ritchie, M Asta, J Li, MP Short* and AM Minor*, “One Dimensional Wormhole Corrosion in Metals”, Nature Communications 14, 988 (2023).
072. A Francesco*, L Scaccia, F Formisano, E Guarini, U Bafile, D Nykypanchuk, A Alatas, M Li, ST Lynch, and A Cunsolo, “The Effect of Embedded Nanoparticles on the Phonon Spectrum of Ice: An Inelastic X-ray Scattering Study”, Nanomaterials, 13, 918 (2023).
071. YQ Cheng*, G Wu, MB Stone, A Savici, M Li and A Ramirez-Cuesta, “Direct prediction of inelastic neutron scattering spectra from crystal structure”, Machine Learning: Science & Technology 4, 015010 (2023).
070. Z Chen*, X Shen*, N Andrejevic, T Liu, D Luo, T Nguyen, NC Drucker, M Kozina, Q Song, C Hua, G Chen, X Wang, J Kong, and M Li*, “Panoramic mapping of phonon transport from ultrafast electron diffraction and machine learning”, Advanced Materials 35, 2206997 (2023).
069. H Chen, SR Chitturi, R Plumley, L Shen, NC Drucker, N Burdet, C Peng, S Mardanya, D Ratner, A Mishra, CH Yoon, S Song, M Chollet, G Fabbris, M Dunne, S Nelson, M Li, A Lindenberg, C Jia, Y Nashed, A Bansil, S Chowdhury, AE Feiguin, JJ Turner, Jana B. Thayer, “Testing the data framework for an AI algorithm in preparation for high data rate X-ray facilities”, XLOOP 1-9 (2022).
068. MS Akhanda, S Krylyuk, DA Dickie, AV Davydov, F Han, M Li and M Zebarjadi*, “Phase-transition-induced Thermal Hysteresis in Type-II Weyl Semimetals MoTe2 and Mo1-xWxTe2”, DOI:10.1016/j.mtphys.2022.100918, Materials Today Physics (2022).
067. N Andjejevic†*, J Andrejevic†, BA Bernevig, N Regnault, F Han, G Fabbris, T Nguyen, NC Drucker, CH Rycroft* and M Li*, “Machine learning spectral indicators of topology”, Advanced Materials 34, 2204113 (2022). (†Equal contribution)
066. HA Merker†, H Heiberger†, LK Nguyen†, T Liu†, Z Chen, N. Andrejevic, NC Drucker, R. Okabe, Y. Wang, T. Smidt* and M Li*, “Machine Learning Magnetism Classifiers from Atomic Coordinates”. iScience: Cell Press 25, 105192 (2022). (†Equal contribution)
065. V Lauter, KL Wang, T Mewes, A Glavic, B Toperverg, M Ahmadi, B Assaf, B Hu, M Li, X Liu, Y Liu, JS Moodera, L Rokhinson, D Singh and N Sun, “M-STAR: Magnetism Second Target Advanced Reflectometer at the Spallation Neutron Source”. Rev. Sci. Instrum. 93, 103903 (2022).
064. NC Drucker, T Liu, Z Chen, R Okabe, A Chotrattanapituk, T Nguyen, Y Wang and M Li, “Challenges and Opportunities of Machine Learning on Neutron and X-ray Scattering”. Synchrotron Radiation News 35, 16 (2022). (Invited perspective article; Journal Feature article)
063. JW Shin, GA Gamage, Z Ding, K Chen, F Tian, X Qian, J Zhou, H Lee, J Zhou, L Shi, T Nguyen, F Han, M Li, D Broido, A Schmidt, Z Ren*, G Chen*, “High ambipolar mobility in cubic boron arsenide”, Science 377, 437 (2022).
062. S Wang, H Jiang, Y Dong, D Clarkson, H Zhu, CM Settens, Y Ren, T Nguyen, . Han, W Fan, SY Kim, J Zhang, We Xue, SK Sandstrom, G Xu, E Tekoglu, M Li, S Deng, Q Liu, SG Greenbaum, X Ji*, T Gao*, and J Li*, “Acid-in-Clay Electrolyte for Wide-Temperature-Range and Long-Cycle Proton Batteries”, Adv. Mater. 34, 2202063 (2022).
061. N Andrejevic*†, Z Chen†, T Nguyen, L Fan, H Heiberger, V Lauter, LJ Zhou, YF Zhao, CZ Chang, A Grutter, and M Li*, “Elucidating proximity magnetism through polarized neutron reflectometry and machine learning”, App. Phys. Rev. 9, 011421 (2022). (†Equal contribution; AIP Scilight)
060. T Nguyen and M Li*, “Electronic properties of correlated kagomé metals AV3Sb5 (A = K, Rb, Cs): A perspective“, J. Appl. Phys. 131, 060901 (2022). (Invited Perspective Article)
059. KP So, M Stapelberg, YR Zhou, M Li, MP Short* and S Yip*, “Observation of dynamical transformation plasticity in metallic nanocomposites through a precompiled machine-learning algorithm”, Mater. Res. Lett. 10, 14 (2022).
058. T Nguyen†, Y Tsurimaki†, R Pablo-Pedro†, G Bednik†, T Liu, A Apte, N Andrejevic, and M Li*, “Topological Signatures in Nodal Semimetals through Neutron Scattering”, New J. Phys. 24, 013016 (2022). (†Equal contribution)
057. JM Fang, S Basu, M Li, KC Shih, J Wang, M Cotlet, X Wang, J Zhao, TJ Mountziaris, JJ LoTurco, and MP Nieh*, “Restriction-in-Motion of Surface Ligands Enhances Photoluminescence of Quantum Dots – Experiment and Theory”, Advanced Materials Interfaces, 202102079 (2022).
056. M Li and Y Wang, “One way express ticket to quantum criticality”, Nature Materials, 21, 3 (2022). (Invited News & Views Article)
055. J Xu†, F Han†, T Wang†, LR Thoutam, S Pate, M Li*, X Zhang, Y-L Wang*, R Fotovat, U Welp, X Zhou, W-K Kwok, DY Chung, M Kanatzidis and ZL Xiao*, “Extended Kohler’s Rule Scaling of Magnetoresistance in Weyl Semimetal TaP”, Phys. Rev. X 11, 041029 (2021). (†Equal contribution)
054. T Nguyen, N Andrejevic, HC Po, Q Song, Y Tsurimaki, NC Drucker, A Alatas, EE Alp, BM Leu, A Cunsolo, Y Cai, L Wu, JA Garlow, Y Zhu, AC Gossard, AA Puretsky, DB Geohegan, S Huang* and M Li*, “Signature of Many-Body Localization of Phonons in Strongly Disordered Superlattices”, Nano Lett. 21, 7419-7435 (2021).
053. Z Chen†, N Andrejevic†, NC Drucker, T Nguyen, RP Xian, T Smidt, Y Wang, R Ernstorfer, DA Tennant, M Chan, and M Li*, “Machine learning on neutron and X-ray scattering and spectroscopies”, Chem. Phys. Rev. 2, 031301 (2021) (†Equal contribution; Invited Review Article)
052. Z Chen†, N Andrejevic†, T Smidt†, Z Ding, YT Chi, QT Nguyen, A Alatas, J Kong and M Li*, “Direct prediction of phonon density of states with Euclidean neural networks”, Adv. Sci. 8, 2004214 (2021). (†Equal contribution)
051. P Cao*, KP So, Y Yang, JG Park, M Li, L Yan, J Hu, M Kirk, M Li, YH Lee, MP Short* and J Li*, ” Carbon nanotube (CNT) metal composites exhibit greatly reduced radiation damage”, Acta. Mater. 203, 116483 (2021).
050. L Zhao, S Wang, Y Dong, W Quan, F Han, Y Huang, Y Li, X Liu, M Li, Z Zhang*, J Zhang*, Z Tang, J Li*, “Coarse-grained reduced MoxTi1-xNb2O7+x anodes for high-rate lithium-ion batteries”, Energy Storage Materials 34, 574 (2021).
049. K Zhang, T Wang, X Pang, F Han, SL Shang, NT Hung, ART Nugraha, ZK Liu, M Li*, R Saito* and S Huang*, “Anisotropic Fano resonance in a Weyl semimetal candidate LaAlSi”, Phys. Rev. B 102, 235162 (2020).
048. F Han*†, N Andrejevic†, T Nguyen†, V Kozii†, QT Nguyen, T Hogan, Z Ding, R Pablo-Pedro, S Parjan, B Skinner, A Alatas, EE Alp, S Chi, J Fernandez-Baca, S Huang, L Fu* and M Li*, “Quantized Thermoelectric Hall Effect Induces Giant Power Factor in a Topological Semimetal”, Nature Communications 11, 6167 (2020). (†Equal contribution).
047. T Nguyen†, F Han†, N Andrejevic†, R Pablo-Pedro†, A Apte, Y Tsurimaki, Z Ding, K Zhang, A Alatas, EE Alp, S Chi, J Fernandez-Baca, M Matsuda, DA Tennant, Y Zhao, Z Xu, JW Lynn, S Huang and M Li*, “Topological Singularity Induced Chiral Kohn Anomaly in a Weyl Semimetal”, Phys. Rev. Lett. 124, 236401 (2020) with Editors’ Suggestion. (†Equal contribution)
046. M Li and G Chen, “Thermal Transport for Probing Quantum Materials“, MRS Bulletin 45, 348 (2020). (Invited Review Article)
045. R Pablo-Pedro, MA Magana-Fuentes, M Videa, J Kong, M Li, J Mendoza-Cortes* and T. van Voorhis*, “Understanding disorder in 2D materials: the case of carbon doping of Silicene”, Nano Lett., 20, 6336 (2020).
044. R Gao, M Jin*, F Han, B Wang, X Wang*, Q Fang, Y Dong, C Sun, L Shao, M Li, and J Li*, “Superconducting Cu/Nb nanolaminate by coded accumulative roll bonding and its helium damage characteristics”, Acta Mater. 197, 212 (2020).
043. Y Tsurimaki, X Qian, S Pajovic, F Han, M Li and G Chen*, “Large non-reciprocal absorption and emission of radiation in time-reversal-symmetry-breaking type-I Weyl semimetals”, Phys. Rev. B 101, 165426 (2020).
042. K Zhang, X Pang, T Wang, F Han, SL Shang, NT Hung, ART Nugraha, ZK Liu, M Li*, R Saito* and S Huang*, “Phonon-mode dependent Raman spectroscopy of topological nodal semimetal TaP”, Phys. Rev. B 101, 014308 (2020).
041. Y-Y Lyu, F Han, Z-L Xiao*, J. Xu, Y-L Wang*, H-B Wang, J-K Bao, DY Chung, M Li*, I Martin, U Welp, MG Kadatzidis, and W-K Kwok, “Magnetization Governed Magnetoresistance Anisotropy in Topological Semimetal CeBi”, Phys. Rev. B:Rapid Commun. 100, 180407 (2019).
040. W Gong*, B Fugetsu*, Z-P Wang, T Ueki, I Sakata, H Ogata, F Han, M Li, L Su, X Zhang, M Terrones, and M Endo, “Thicker carbon-nanotube / manganese-oxide hybridized nanostructures as electrodes for creation of fiber-shaped high-energy-density supercapacitors”, Carbon 154, 169 (2019).
039. J Xu, F Wu, J-K Bao, F Han, Z-L Xiao*, I Martin*, Y-Y Lyu, Y-L Wang, DY Chung, M Li, W. Zhang, J. Perason, J S Jiang, M Kanatzidis and W-K Kwok, “Orbital-flop Induced Magnetoresistance Anisotropy in Rare Earth Monopnictide CeSb”, Nat. Commun. 10, 2875 (2019).
038. Y Xu, D Kraemer, B Song, Z Jiang, J Zhou, J Loomis, J Wang, M Li, H Ghasemi, X Huang, X Li and G Chen*, “Nanostructured Polymer Films with Metal-like Thermal Conductivity“, Nat. Commun. 10, 1771 (2019).
037. M Li, “Quantized Dislocations”, J. Phys.: Condens. Matter 31, 083001 (2019). (Invited Topical Review).
036. Z. Ding, J. Zhou, B. Song, M. Li, T-H Liu and G. Chen*, “Umklapp Scatterings Are Not necessarily Resistive”, Phys. Rev. B 98, 180302 (2018).
035. M. N. Luckyanova, J. Mendoza, H. Lu, B. Song, S. Huang, J. Zhou, M. Li, Y. Dong, H. Zhou, L. Wu, B. J. Kirby, A. J. Grutter, A. A. Puetzky, Y. Zhu, M. S. Dresselhaus, A. Gossard, and G. Chen*, “Phonon Localization in Heat Conduction”, Science Advances 4, eaat9460 (2018).
034. T-H Liu, B. Song, L. Meroueh, Z. Ding, Q. Song, J. Zhou, M. Li and G. Chen*, “Simultaneously high electron and hole mobilities in cubic boron-V compounds: BP, BAs and BSb”, Phys. Rev. B: Rapid Commun, 98, 081203 (2018).
033. L. Ding, M. Ukhtary, M. Chubarov, T. Choudhury, F. Zhang, R. Yang, A. Zhang, JA Fan, M. Terrones, J. Redwing, T. Yang, M. Li, R. Satio and S. Huang*, “Understanding Interlayer Coupling in TMD-hBN Heterostructure by Raman Spectroscopy”, IEEE Transactions on Electron Devices 65, 4059-4067 (2018).
032. G. Wei, B. Fugetsu*, Z. Wang, I. Sakata, L. Su, X. Zhang, H. Ogata, M. Li., C. Wang, J. Li, J. Ortiz-Medina, M. Terrones and M. Endo, “Carbon nanotubes and manganese oxide hybrid nanostructures as high performance fiber supercapacitors”, Commun. Chem. 1, 16 (2018).
031. W. Zhao†, M. Li†, C-Z Chang*†, J. Jiang, L. Wu, C. Liu, J. S. Moodera, Y. Zhu*, and M. H. W. Chan*, “Direct imaging of electron transfer and its influence on superconducting pairing at FeSe/SrTiO3 interface”, Science Advances 4, eaao2682 (2018). (†Equal contribution)
030. M. Li*†, Y. Tsurimaki†, Q. Meng, N. Andrejevic, Y. Zhu, G. D. Mahan and G. Chen*, “Theory of Electron-Phonon-Dislon Interacting System – Toward a Quantized Theory of Dislocations”, New J. Phys. 20, 023010, (2018) (†Equal contribution)
029. T-H Liu, J. Zhou, M. Li, Z. Ding, Q. Song, B. Liao, L. Fu and G. Chen*, “Electron Mean-Free-Path Filtering in Dirac Material for Improved Thermoelectric Performance”, PNAS 115, 879-884 (2018).
028. F. Han, N. Andrejevic and M. Li*, “A Hidden Dimension To Explore New Thermoelectrics”, Joule 2, 16 (2018) (Invited Preview Article)
027. Z. Ding, J. Zhou, B. Song, V. Chiloyan, M. Li, T-H Liu and G. Chen*, “Phonon Hydrodynamic Heat Conduction and Knudsen Minimum in Graphite”, Nano Lett. 18, 639 (2018).
026. M. Li*†, Q. Song†, W. Zhao, J. A Garlow, T-H Liu, L. Wu, Y. Zhu, JS Moodera, MHW Chan, G. Chen* and C-Z Chang*, “Dirac-Electrons-Mediated Magnetic Proximity Effect in Topological Insulator / Magnetic Insulator Heterostructures”, Phys. Rev. B: Rapid Commun 96, 201301 (2017). (†Equal contribution)
025. M. Li*, Q. Song, T-H Liu, L. Meroueh, G. D. Mahan, M. S. Dresselhaus and G. Chen*, “Tailoring Superconductivity with Quantum Dislocations”, Nano Lett. 17, 4604 (2017).
024. C Fu and M Li*, “Oscillative deviation from Matthiessen’s rule due to interacting dislocations”, J. Phys. Condens Matter 29, 325702 (2017).
023. M Li*, Z Ding, Q Meng, J Zhou, Y Zhu, H Liu, MS Dresselhaus and G Chen*, “Nonperturbative Quantum Nature of the Dislocation-Phonon Interaction”, Nano Lett. 17, 1587 (2017).
022. M Li*, W Cui, MS Dresselhaus and G Chen*, “Electron energy can oscillate near a crystal dislocation”, New J. Phys. 19, 013033 (2017).
021. A Vipin*, B Fugetsu, I Sakata, A Isogai, M Endo, M Li, and MS Dresselhaus, “Cellulose nanofiber backboned Prussian blue nanoparticles as powerful adsorbents for the selective elimination of radioactive cesium”, Sci. Rep. 6, 37009 (2016).
020. Z. Zhu, M Li and J Li*, “Topological semimetal- topological insulator Quantum Phase Transition in Zintl compounds Ba2X (X=Si, Ge)”, Phys. Rev. B 94, 155121 (2016).
019. KP So, D Chen, A Kushima, M Li, S Kim, Y Yang, Z Wang, JG Park, YH Lee, RI Gonzalez, M Kiwi, EM Bringa, S Lin* and J Li*, “Dispersion of carbon nanotubes in Aluminum improves radiation resistance”, Nano Energy 22, 319 (2016).
018. CZ Chang* and M Li, “Quantum Anomalous Hall Effect in Time-Reversal-Symmetry Breaking Topological Insulators”, J. Phys. Condens. Matter 28, 123002 (2016). (Invited Topical Review).
017. M Li*, CZ Chang*, BJ Kirby, M Jamer, W Cui, L.Wu, P Wei, Y Zhu, D Heiman, J.Li and JS Moodera*, “Proximity Driven Enhanced Magnetic Order at Ferromagnetic Insulator / Magnetic Topological Insulator Interface”, Phys. Rev. Lett. 115, 087201 (2015).
016. M Li*, CZ Chang*, L Wu, J Tao, W Zhao, MHW Chan, JS Moodera, J Li and Y Zhu*, “Experimental Verification of the Van Vleck Nature of Long-Range Ferromagnetic Order in Vanadium-Doped Three-Dimensional Topological Insulator Sb2Te3”. Phys. Rev. Lett. 114, 146802 (2015).
015. M Li*, W Cui, J Yu, Z Dai, Z Wang, F Katmis, W Guo and JS Moodera, “Magnetic Proximity Effect and Interlayer Exchange Coupling of Ferromagnetic / Topological Insulator / Ferromagnetic Trilayer”, Phys. Rev. B 91, 014427 (2015).
014. A Ugur, F Katmis, M Li, L Wu, Y Zhu, K Varanasi and K Gleason*, ” Low-Dimensional Conduction Mechanisms in Highly-Conductive and Transparent Conjugated Polymers”, Advanced Materials 31, 4604 (2015).
013. Z Tian*, M Li*, Z Ren, H Ma, A Alatas, S Wilson and J Li, “Investigation of phonon transport in PbTe-PbSe alloys using inelastic x-ray scattering”, J. Phys. Condens. Matter. 27, 375403 (2015).
012. M Li*, W Cui, L Wu, Q Meng, Y Zhu, Y Zhang, W Liu and Z Ren, “Topological Effect to Surface Plasmon Excitation in Topological Insulator Nanowires”. Can. J. Phys. 93, 591-598 (2015).
011. M Li*, Z Dai, W Cui, Z Wang, F.Katmis, P Le, J Wang, L Wu and Y Zhu, “Tunable THz Surface Plasmonics based on Topological Insulator-Layered Superconductor Hybrid Structure”, Phys. Rev. B 89, 235432 (2014).
010. Z Wang, E Fratini, M Li, P Le, E Manontov, P Baglioni, SH Chen, “Hydration-dependent dynamic crossover phenomenon in protein hydration water”, Phys. Rev. E 90, 042705 (2014).
009. J Niu, A Kushima, M Li, W Li, Z Wang and J Li*, “Scalable Synthesis of Sulfur Nanosponge Cathode for Lithium-Sulfur Battery with Greatly Improved Cyclability”, J. Mater. Chem. A 2, 19788-19796 (2014).
008. W Cui, M Li*, Z Dai, Q Meng and Y Zhu, “Near-Field Optical Effect of a Core-Shell Nanostructure in Proximity to a Flat Surface”, J. Chem. Phys. 140, 044109 (2014).
007. Z Wang, WS Chiang, P Le, E Fratini, M Li, A Alatas, P Baglionib and SH Chen*, “One role of hydration water in proteins: key to the ‘softening’ of short time intraprotein collective vibrations of a specific length scale”, Soft Matter 10, 4298 (2014).
006. Z Wang, KH Liu, P Le, M Li, WS Chiang, J Leao, M Tyagi, J Copley, A Podlesnyak, AI Kolesnikov, CY Mou, and SH Chen*, “Boson peak in deeply-cooled confined water: A possible way to explore the existence of the liquid-to-liquid transition in water”, Phys. Rev. Lett., 112, 237802 (2014).
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B01. M Li* and R Pablo-Pedro, “Quantized Dislocations for Functional and Quantum Materials”, arXiv:1810.07861, Invited Book Chapter for “Handbook of Materials Modeling, 2nd Edition”, ISBN 978-3-319-44678-3, Springer Publishing 2019.
B02. S Yip and M Li, “Nuclear Radiation Interactions (2nd Edition)”, ISBN 978-981-98-0038-4, World Scientific Publishing Co. 2025.